Nearly everyone has a few dark spots on their skin. Freckles, "age spots", "liver spots" and various birthmarks are just a few of the commonly known marks that are generally referred to as pigmented lesions. Although most brown spots are easily ignored, some are quite conspicuous and can detract from your skin's natural beauty.

Melanin (dark pigment in the skin) gives skin its color. Dark or light complexioned, we all have varying amounts of melanin. Pigmented lesions are dark in color simply because melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. High concentrations of melanin can exist for a variety of reasons: Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age or as a result of overexposure to the sun's damaging rays.

Pigmented lesions can be successfully lightened or removed with modern laser technology. The Cutera® Excel V® YAG laser we use at M Spa at the Reserve is one of the most advanced lasers available for the removal of pigmented lesions. It provides a combination of specific light color and rapid pulses that provides maximum removal of darker melanin pigment spots without affecting lighter skin.

Many types of lasers are not recommended on people with darker skin tones, but this is not one of them. People of all skin tones can benefit from laser treatments for pigmented lesions. 


Conditions Treated

Our Cutera® Excel V® (YAG) laser can be used to treat:

  • Freckles

  • Liver spots

  • Sun damage

  • Age spots

  • Birthmarks

  • Other pigmented lesions


For optimal results, we recommend that most clients receive a series of three or more treatments. Depending on the results you're trying to achieve, our aestheticians might recommend more treatments. 

We recommend limiting sun exposure before and after treatment for best results. At a minimum, you should avoid sun exposure 2 weeks before and 1 week after each treatment for best results. 



Results and benefits are seen over time and are cumulative - spots that are treated multiple times will get lighter with each treatment. Most types of pigmented lesions will be permanently removed. Birthmarks may require follow-up treatments as they can return.


After Treatment

Be sure to limit sun exposure after treatment, and always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen, especially on treated areas. 

We recommend SkinMedica's Total Repair + Defense sunscreen, which protects against UVA/UVB rays, infrared rays, and also supports the skin's natural ability to heal itself. You can find this sunscreen at our spa.


Before + After



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Laser treatments for pigmented lesions range from $75-$300 per treatment depending on the area treated. We offer CareCredit to help patients finance all cosmetic treatments. For more detailed pricing information, message us at